Ontario Handspinning Seminar

Stress and Relaxation: the Yin and Yang of Well-being
Lisa Murray
Equipment List
A comfortable place to sit - a chair or a cushion on the floor - you will need to be able to be comfortable and sit comfortably for 10-15 minutes as we do a meditation exercise and practise our breathing.
Any simple handwork that you are currently working on - if you wish to bring your wheel and fibre or a knitting project or embroidery. We will be using your current project to experiment how you can engage the relaxation response with your handwork.
Workshop Description
In this presentation we will explore the basics of the physiology of the biochemical and hormonal Stress Response and the profound effects stress has on our bodies - from digestion to dysregulated hormones to anxiety and insomnia. We will then explore the well documented Relaxation Response and it’s effect to down regulate the stress response and it’s harmful effects. Then we will explore ways we can culture a relaxed calm in our lives though various intentional actions including forest bathing, quiet meditation, yoga, a simple cup of tea and if course through handwork. Understand why creating and working with your hands causes a calmness and a simple joyful state of being and why this is good for your health!
Teacher Bio
Lisa Murray -Doran is a naturopathic doctor, registered acupuncturist and hand spinner in the OHS certificate program at HSA year 5. She specializes in women’s health and has been in practice for 25 years. Lisa taught obstetrics and Gynecology for 11 years at the Canadian College of Naturopathic medicine, she is the author of two books, she ran a large multi-disciplinary clinic in Ajax, Ontario for 23 years and she currently sees patients virtually online through the Ontario Telehealth Network and also in person at her private practise at Barry's Bay Acupuncture in the Madawaska Valley. Stress and anxiety seem to be at the root of so many health complaints. She is very interested in how the simple tasks in life contribute to our health and wellness. Her philosophy toward life and health is to engage joyfully in life and explore the things that resonate. Each person's health journey is unique and individual.
Fibre List
This workshop does not require a specific kit. You are welcome to source the materials from your stash or local fibre supplier.
- Fiber is optional but it will be used as described for participant's equipment