Ontario Handspinning Seminar
Supported Spindling: Getting Started & Finding Joy in Being “Learner” Again
Rachel Smith
Equipment List
Supported spindle
Wool Fibre, preferably carded preparation
Note in this doc - half way down with more information
IMG-1567.jpg: Photo showing bowls Image
Workshop Description
This 2-hour workshop will introduce participants to the world of supported spindling, offering a description of the types out there and their role in our spindle fleets. This will be a bit of a Fashion Show and I invite you to share yours too! We will explore getting started on a supported spindle, field questions, discuss temporary cops, and finish with some tips on plying. The group will benefit from having a support spindle and wool fibre in their hands while we play throughout the session!
Teacher Bio
Rachel Smith lives in Langley, BC, with her husband and 2 amazing kids. Always outdoors, they love to explore, camp and hike. Obsessed with wool, spinning, weaving and teaching, Rachel blogs and hosts a weekly podcast, Wool n’ Spinning at welfordpurls.com
Fibre List
This workshop does not require a specific kit. You are welcome to source the materials from your stash or local fibre supplier.
In terms of wool, please have access to a couple of different woolly things to play with. If you have hand cards, please bring those. I like carded rolags, punis-style rolags from a blending board or carded batts that you can tear apart. If you only have access to combed top, bring that and I will share with you what I do with it to spin it over the fold. Wool rovings, different from combed top due to the misaligned nature of the fibres, work well too! I like to start with a medium wool on supported spindles - think Corriedale, Perendale, BFL, Finn, CVM/Romeldale, Tunis, Cheviot, Dorset. If you have one or two of those in your stash, bring them!