Ontario Handspinning Seminar
The 61st Ontario Handspinning Seminar
June 6 - 8, 2025
Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo Campus
Choose Your Own Adventure
At the 2025 Seminar, our experienced guides will offer tips about navigating the many paths open to handspinners. You can investigate different fibres. Survey fibre prep alternatives. Roam through spinning techniques. Listen to the travelogues of fellow spinners.
For those of you who joined us in 2024, you will find that we have chosen different paths with respect to event locations. All activities except breakfasts will now take place in connected buildings just steps from the Bricker Residence.
Call for Presenters
The Ontario Handspinning Seminar is searching for speakers for keynote session(s) and workshops focused on the many choices handspinners must make. Some possibilities are cellulose vs protein (and once that’s decided, which cellulose or protein), do your own prep or not, dye fibres by yourself or not (and which dyes to use), choices among spinning devices, pros and cons of different spinning techniques, places where your spinning has taken you (in your life or geographically).
All sessions will be in person. Keynote session(s) are scheduled on Saturday and/or Sunday. Hands-on workshops are scheduled on Saturday and may be half-day (approximately 2.5 hours) to full-day (approximately 5 hours) in length. If you wish to submit more than one proposal, please complete a second form.
Presenters of accepted sessions and workshops will receive an honorarium and complementary pass to attend the Seminar.
Please complete this form to submit your session/workshop proposal.
Deadline to submit January 15, 2025
Successful presenters will be contacted in January 2025.
For more information, contact Eileen Land, 123knitland@gmail.com